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August 2, 2024: Time and Time Again

Time is going by fast. I wonder if it’s going by fast for everyone. Maybe those who are older are the one’s noticing it. I remember as a kid, thinking that summer was going to last forever, and it did. This summer has blown by like a tornado. Here it is, already August. The migrating birds are long gone, I am thinking mainly of the swallows and the robins.

The ravens, magpies, and chickadees, they stay put. It’s now dark at 10:30 p.m. Winter is coming. Gulp. We need to get wood; our shed is nearly empty.

Pam reading at Friday Fling 8-2-24

Pete canned “27 or 28” jars of fish in the past two days. We still have canned fish left from last year. The house smells like a fish cannery. It’s taken two days to process all this fish. It was longer than either of us thought it would be.

We still have to pick and blanch the Swiss chard and kale – we have a lot of it. And Pete hasn’t mentioned harvesting the broccoli. I should check on the green beans tomorrow. The strawberries – we kept up with them – they are now on the far side of the bell curve. I should have suggested to Pete, making strawberry jam. Owwwwwww this would be good.

The book project is going very well. Today, Pam, Bea, and I convened on the lawn of the Palmer Museum and passed out books to appreciative readers. We also conducted a story hour – about 20 little kids did the hokey pokey, the itsy bitsy spider, and then listened to Pam read some large picture books.

This is the big thing that happened. The Palmer Visitor Center/Historical Society Executive Director told me today that they want to paint an old wooden phone booth and put books in it. Furthermore, they want to call it the Targus. Tragus was the phone booth that Dr. Who used to transport individuals to other locations. So we will promote this and say reading is out of this world. I also hope that we can have a Dr. Who event and show a few Dr. Who videos. Maybe we can ask the teens from the teen groups who will be occupying the basement to attend.

All I can say is, way fun!

Now for next week – I will either find a goat or a donkey and we will read like-books. I will need to advertise this. It’s very hard to keep up with all that needs to be done. I have learned to take each day as it comes.

We have to clean up our place because Pete’s brother Pat will be coming to visit on Sunday night. Pete made a reservation at the hotel for him and for his girlfriend Laura, so I will see them on Monday morning. Pat, Pete, and Laura will be going on a trip. I will stay here and take care of the animals and the books.

Next: 210. 8/3/24: The Speed of Sound

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