Neither of us will live forever. One of us will die first and the other will grieve. Raudi won’t grieve. But she will feel as though something is amiss, should I die first.
I don’t know if she just feels overall tired or if her legs are achy. There is no way of knowing. She’s going to get the next two days off.
Me, well, I cleaned the goat pen. We have just two goats, Lilac and Sasy, but when I put the job off, as I have done repeatedly (today was no exception), it’s harder to do. And the job entails heavy lifting.
I felt really good, so I overdid it, most likely flinging the soiled bedding over the fence. Or maybe it was pitchforking the soiled bedding in the shed into the muck buckets. Most likely it was a combination of most.
After, I laid down for a while because I was tired. I then took a shower. After, I sat down on the kitchen stairs. I went to get up and my hip or lower back (I don’t know which) seized up. There are now degrees of severity, and this time it was pretty bad. I went to do a body scan and could not lie on my back on a mat.
We ate dinner, and Pete resumed working on the roof. He will do the evening chores. I will try one more time to walk around and if this does not work, sit on the porch (in a chair) and read a book.
Once again, my doing the CTR is in doubt. I really ought not do this. I suspect that if I do again feel good, that I will be tempted to do the ride.
I don’t like to waver. But wavering seems to be these days what I do best.
Next: 200. 7/22/24: Overcast |