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July 11, 2024: Phew

Okay. So temperatures here today were in the 70s, a bit warm, but offset by a mild breeze. I hope that it doesn’t get publicized, that weather wise, we are having a good summer. Right now, in Las Vegas, it’s 117˚ F. I can’t imagine this. I keep thinking, well, I would stay in my very expensive air-conditioned room, and then venture down to the hotel lobby, and complain about how hot it is.

Airplanes, I do not know if they fly when it’s that hot. I don’t understand the physics of this, but I remember once, flying out of California, they booted people off the plane and removed luggage, so as to reduce the weight of the plane.

It was an ideas day today, big time. The ideas just kept coming. I am acting on some of them. First of all, we had critical mass at the Palmer Senior Center – there were a lot of book readers there, and this time I did good at figuring out who would take what.

After, I met with my friend Cathy and her granddaughter Zoe. It was then that my ideas day really began. Zoe, 10, did a drawing that was comprised of horizontal and vertical lines. I saw it being a map, and I made up a story about a child who lost her grandmother while in a supermarket and had to find her way home using an inner map. I wrote this story, in poem form, on the reverse side of the drawing.

The grid became a Bingo board, and she put in numbers, so then we had two stories. I talked with a woman who taught at Larson Elementary School about the project. Together, we figured out that the Boys and Girls Club might provide kids for our fall Seniors Read to Kids/Kids Read to Seniors program.

I now had momentum. I had more good ideas transpire when I got to the Eagle Hotel. Tomorrow, I am going with Pam to Bugge Park, where we will have an interactive story hour. Pam will read the book Move! And I will, beforehand, have the kids do some movement activities. This, of course, is if it does not rain. I will take coloring books and crayons.

Then on Saturday, we’ll have a literacy-based activity while passing out books at the Alaska Museum of Transportation and Industry. Pam and I found a large book, which is about wheels. She can read this. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet.

I left at 4:00 p.m. I stepped outside and my hip seized up. This put a damper on my late afternoon plan, which was to go riding with Pete. I managed to keep the situation from getting worse by standing in the doorframe of my car and shaking my leg. I also went for a walk around the loop.

I will decide on Monday if I’m going to do the Competitive Trail Ride. I’ll do a long ride this weekend and how I feel after will be the deciding factor.

Just trying now to stay upbeat about things. It’s tough but someone has to do it.

Next: 190. 7/12/24: Anthropomorphizing Animals

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