It was an ideas day today, big time. The ideas just kept coming. I am acting on some of them. First of all, we had critical mass at the Palmer Senior Center – there were a lot of book readers there, and this time I did good at figuring out who would take what.
After, I met with my friend Cathy and her granddaughter Zoe. It was then that my ideas day really began. Zoe, 10, did a drawing that was comprised of horizontal and vertical lines. I saw it being a map, and I made up a story about a child who lost her grandmother while in a supermarket and had to find her way home using an inner map. I wrote this story, in poem form, on the reverse side of the drawing.
The grid became a Bingo board, and she put in numbers, so then we had two stories. I talked with a woman who taught at Larson Elementary School about the project. Together, we figured out that the Boys and Girls Club might provide kids for our fall Seniors Read to Kids/Kids Read to Seniors program.
I now had momentum. I had more good ideas transpire when I got to the Eagle Hotel. Tomorrow, I am going with Pam to Bugge Park, where we will have an interactive story hour. Pam will read the book Move! And I will, beforehand, have the kids do some movement activities. This, of course, is if it does not rain. I will take coloring books and crayons.
Then on Saturday, we’ll have a literacy-based activity while passing out books at the Alaska Museum of Transportation and Industry. Pam and I found a large book, which is about wheels. She can read this. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet.
I left at 4:00 p.m. I stepped outside and my hip seized up. This put a damper on my late afternoon plan, which was to go riding with Pete. I managed to keep the situation from getting worse by standing in the doorframe of my car and shaking my leg. I also went for a walk around the loop.
I will decide on Monday if I’m going to do the Competitive Trail Ride. I’ll do a long ride this weekend and how I feel after will be the deciding factor.
Just trying now to stay upbeat about things. It’s tough but someone has to do it.
Next: 190. 7/12/24: Anthropomorphizing Animals |