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June 15, 2024: Day #10, Campground Past Carmacks, Trail ride on the TransCanada trail

Alys: How are you doing Hrimmi?
Hrimmi: Fine, thank you.
A: Have a good day?
H: Yes
A: What were the high points?
H: There were several. The trail ride we did today, you figured out something you’d forgotten.
A: What’s that?
H: If you envision a sun in your abdomen, we’ll both slow down. If you envision it shrinking, we’ll both speed up.
A: Yes, I did this today.
H: This made your seat that much better. And I felt more balanced.
A: Another high point?
H: The horse massage last night, at the campground. That nice woman, she didn’t speak English.

Alys and Hrimmi at trailhead

A: No, she spoke French.
H: She also spoke with her hands.
A: Raudi also got a message.
H: Tyra did not.
A: I don’t think she cared.
H: She was more interested in eating.
A: So be it.
H: You need to again do more of this kind of work with us.
A: Yes. And I am going to do more of this kind of work with you. This trip has reconnected us.
H: This is a very good thing, a very, very good thing.
A: Were there any other high points today?
H: I had a good time being around all the people here at the campground, that came to say hello to us.
A: And did you enjoy your stay at the Heart Bar Ranch?
H: What a relief, to get into a corral and be able to roll and have time to again move around.
A: I wish it had been larger.
H: And I could have done without the rain.
A: Would having a horsey raincoat on have helped?
H: No, it would have been too hot.
A: We’ll continue to be on the lookout for a larger corral.
H: Larger is better. Also, make sure it’s clean. None of us like rolling in other horses’ manure.
A: I’ve been thinking about riding you in the upcoming Competitive Trail Ride.
H: I would like to do this.
A: I need to find riders for all three of you.
H: This would be for the best. We are a trio.
A: A trio?
H: I learned this word from Tyra.
A: Is she having a good time?
H: Yep.
A: And Raudi?
H: Yep.
A: Look. Pete’s putting the highline up so that Tyra can be on this side of the trailer.
H: Why not the other side?
A: Because it’s on the side of the road – could be dangerous if some drunken camper doesn’t see her.
H: Oh, sometimes you humans do strange things. We’re all less mystified when you explain what you are doing.
A: Why?
H: This lowers our stress level.
A: What you are saying sounds rather abstract for a horse.
H: I don’t know what I’m talking about.
A: Did Tyra explain this to you?
H: Yes, Tyra explained it to me.
A: Is there anything we can do to make the rest of this trip more enjoyable to you?
H: More corral time.
A: That all?
H: That’s all.
A: Sleep well Hrimmi.
H: You too!

Next: 164. 6/16/24: Day # 11, Moose Creek Campground: Dream On

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