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June 7, 2024: Glennallen

Two days of riding, one night of camping thus far. Yesterday we rode the Eureka Trail that is across from the Alaskacom Road and parallels the Glenn Highway. Up the asphalt road and back, a distance of five miles max.

From the parking lot it appeared as though the trail went straight up the hill, and it did. We decided to forego the uphill route because I was concerned about Raudi exerting herself. I don’t want her cough to get any worse.

In the past, I got incredibly anxious about riding on strange trails while enroute – best to put it off and ride once we got to our destination. This time I was a little anxious, but not enough to say let’s keep going as I have in the past. The horses, in the trailer, seemed like they were high energy, but once out of the trailer they stood quietly for grooming and saddling. They were then all business. The ride was a bit of a slog, being a straight shot and on the edge of the birch and spruce forest.

Riding what used to be the Glenn Hwy

We camped last night at a familiar camping area – the Little Nelchina Campsite. The river was brown, and fast moving. Looking at it, I thought about how river kayakers read rivers, sometimes checking them out from the bank and figuring out where the easy and hard parts are.

Then, later, while doing the review of the RVs, we talked with three guys who were preparing to float the river in their very solid and dependable zodiacs. We were told that they were going to take their families downriver today. This morning, we saw them preparing to take off.

I took a hike up to the powerline trail with the dogs. A good way to start the day.

We didn’t go far vehicle wise this morning. We drove to the road going to Lake Louise then took a side road that led to a road/trail. It was another straight shot; the terrain was punctuated by dips with large puddles. Like yesterday, today I rode Tyra. All three horses, and this includes Raudi and Hrimmi, were all business all day – even when we tied them up at lunch time. We forgot one additional lead line and ended up using the dog leash. Tyra didn’t mind.

The way to the end point, a lake, was mostly downhill, so the return trip was uphill. Yes, it was a little bit of a slog, but I was just glad to be riding. And I was glad that Pete seemed glad to be riding. I’m sure he’d rather be sea kayaking.

I forget, in between trips, just how attentive one has to be to their animals when doing trips like this. Last night they were tied to the trailer – our tent was close enough so that we could see and hear them. Raudi did start coughing – her coughing sounds like gunshots – the sound is loud and piercing. She coughed starting out today, too, but was fine the rest of the way. As Pete said, “Raudi may be coughing, but she’s not a sick horse.”

Next: 156. 6/8/24: Day #3, Kendesnii Campground, Slana, Alaska

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