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May 13, 2024: Near Magical

I remembered what date it is because May 13, today, is Pete’s birthday. It was not much of a birthday for him because he spent his day working on a federal grant. It is the senate appropriation grant – they want more information. He even had to cobble a resume together for me.

This comparatively small grant has been a huge endeavor. I could do it – I am convinced I can do anything. I see people balk when asked to do something – nothing is impossible. I lack (when it comes to such things) Pete’s patience.

Our view - Pioneer Peak

It’s 11:00 p.m. I am writing this dispatch and he’s downstairs doing the dishes. I got in at 10:30 p.m. and took Tyra for a late ride.

I went on an early ride with Pete. I rode Raudi and he rode Hrimmi. We did Peaches Loop and Siggi’s Trail. It is still somewhat cold out, so things are not magical, but close. On my later trek, I did smell the cottonwood trees.

I am most happy about the fact that I am riding my horses again, and in this way connecting with them.

I was concerned because I did not ride much this winter. Instead, I just took them for walks. I can’t walk them now around the loop because the grass distracts them. It’s hard enough getting them to the trailhead without their pulling to the side of the road.

I realized just how much I do care about them all. A case in point: Raudi kept stopping and lifting her tail, like she had to poop but could not. I about freaked out. I told Pete that we have put her on differing hay and she’s colicking. I did take solace in the fact that riding was good for her. She also seemed perky and was wanting to eat.

We returned home and I put her in Tinni’s enclosure (this is what we call it – we put him in there when he finally could not handle being with the mares. He’d go off and stand in a corner.) And she resumed eating. I turned my back and she immediately pooped. I was ecstatic. I wish Pete had not said that the hay might have a high sugar content – this is something else that I am now fretting about.

Tonight, all of them chose to play with my head. Raudi was in Tinni’s enclosure. I opened the gate, so as to put her back with the others, and Hrimmi and Tyra came racing in. One at a time, one or the other would leave, then come back in. I finally had to get the broom and slap them gently on the butt. This was just them, playing with my head some.

As cold as it is, it is still spring. It may be cold, and we may get some snow, but winter is now behind us. I of course now want the days to go slowly, because I enjoy this time of year so much. In a tree, up behind the Black Hole, tonight a robin, using its voice, seeking a mate. I wonder if there are those who don’t find them.

In my head, I am now composing a personal ad. Looking for the ideal mate. Must love pulling worms out of the ground and nest building. Fly by night robins need not apply.

Next: 133. 5/14/24: Almost

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