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May 11, 2024: Spring, Sprang, Sprung

Okay. So now it’s cold and overcast. Very odd to see green on the ground and in the trees. The birds though, are no longer their exuberant selves. They are probably saying “what the. . .” and perhaps are wondering if they could have saved themselves a trip.

Solar flares are predicted. Pete was wondering if this will have an effect on the migratory habits of birds. I am sure that this is being studied. I do wonder what causes these flares and if this is normal weather.

Tough times for this planet. Will people come to their senses and work to save it? Most likely not. You’d think that these events would be a wakeup call for those who have lost their homes to floods and fires. This can’t be a wakeup call for animals because these events are our, not their, doing.

Enough of this for now. There is always tomorrow, and most likely tomorrow I will again ruminate.

A good day. Got Hrimmi ready to go on an outing – she’s still shedding –it’s coming out in sheets. Then I realized that I didn’t have enough time to go for a ride. So Pete took her down Murphy Road. I passed the two in the car, on my way (sigh) to town. She looked good – seemed fairly energetic. I wondered if she’s that way all the time and I just don’t notice it when I’m on her. She wanted badly to graze on the very sparse roadside grass.

Met with the other BLBP board members. I lost the document that I was to share. Pete was not able to find it. So I rewrote what I had. This is why I didn’t have time to go for a ride. I went over what I had, stressing that in my absence, that everyone is going to need to work as a team in order to be successful. Did they hear me? I think so. But we’ll see what transpires.

The high point of the day was going to what is called the Amoosement Park with Pete, Robert, and Pam. The Amoosement park is a Palmer playground – it has all the playground bells and whistles, slides, towers, jungle gym stuff included. We actually had a good time, playing on some of the equipment. This, in spite of the fact that it was cold and windy.

So the plan is to contact the city officials and see if they are up for our putting the Beacon Hill Family Services Little Library in this park. This, for me, is the end of numerous negotiations that have taken place over a year’s time. I began last year at the Palmer Community Foundation get together talking with the Lions Club members and the Beacon Hill people about getting the Bugge Park shelter fixed up.

Maybe I should have asked the Palmer Community Foundation group for money for a little library.

Dunno. Just this work alone is a lot. Add to it all the other things that I’ve been doing and it is all quite impressive. There I go, horn tooting.

Next: 131. 5/12/24: Almost magical

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