Got a haircut. The woman who has been cutting my hair, Betty, is retiring, so I must find someone new. She did give me the name and number of an Anchorage hairdresser/friend, but gosh, am I going all the way to Anchorage for a haircut? The woman’s name is Mary Mulchahy, she’s Irish, so this may be worth the trip.
Betty also noted that the Koslosky Building renovations may not be done for a long time, perhaps in the fall. Very disheartening news because the tourists are coming through now. And everyone wants the bookcases back. I feel frustrated because there is nothing I can do about this.
Onto town with Pete – we first stopped at the Clare Swann Younger Children Learning program – I knew this was something that we ought to do. The program is for parents and children – it begins with prenatal care for mothers, then after the children are born, continues. The rooms are in a square horseshoe pattern – and they are grouped according to the seasons. Victoria, who gave us a tour said that the curriculum is based on the seasons. After, Ashley who is the grants manager, explained to us about how the early learning center is funded. I did partially understand what she was talking about because Pete is our grants manager and does a lot of the same things.
Before we left, we were given eight boxes of board picture books. One is entitled The Seasons and the other Berries. These are going to be well-received in the villages.
Our next stop was Merrill Field where we dropped off 10 boxes of books that are going to kids at a school in Tyonek. I thought, as the fellow unloaded our truck (in the rain) I packed all those boxes. The Tyonek Regional Corporation is footing the shipping bill – this furthered my sense of self-satisfaction.
I have several boxes ready to go back at the hotel – and more to box up.
Our next stop was Beacon Hill, a social service organization. They give us their little library because they don’t want to have children inadvertently take banned books from the box. It’s a very little library, but it is quite attractive. I will have to get it registered with the Little Library association, so everyone knows where it is.
Spent the rest of my afternoon and early evening categorizing books. By then, the snow and rain mix was really coming down. P-Tooey.
Next: 129. 5/10/24: Chigger Stew |