I would like to have some baby goats around. And to hatch and imprint some chicks. The problem with hatching them is that there is a 50 percent chance that they might be roosters. Roosters are as useless as tits on a bull. There is always the chance that our three hens might lay eggs again, but no chance that a rooster will lay eggs.
I’d also like to have a donkey or two, both of whom are trained to pull a cart.
Yesterday I may have written that I wondered how I’d make it through today because I had so much on my plate. I get worried in the evening. Today was uneventful and what seemed like major obstacles now seem like mere bumps in the road. The same is true of tomorrow.
I got all the distributing done, and I made some important connections. It was a good thing, that I went to the Lions Club meeting – I got some opposition to my asking that the Buggee Park Little Library be repaired. Lion Irvin (this is what you do, you put the word Lion in front of the name) said he was too busy to fix the little library – and that it had been vandalized so it ought to be torn down. I objected and he agreed that if we could find someone to do the maintenance work, that it could stay put.
Now if I had not signed on to be a lion, the Buggee Park Little Library would have been torn down. This would have been a shame because a lot of children take books from it. I will be stocking it twice daily in a few weeks. And I have to get the People’s Park Little Library up and going. . .
This was just one part of my day. Tomorrow now seems to me to be equally daunting. I am going to give a talk at the Mountain Rose retirement home and I’m taking the Wayback Machine with me. I am going to have all in attendance pull a card with a year on it and write on the card what they remember about that year, then talk about it. I will then mention that I’ll be teaching Memoir, Memory, and Memorabilia, in the fall.
Daunting, it is all so very daunting.
Next: 106. 4/17/24: Way Back Then |