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April 11, 2024: I Will Run No Race Before My Time

A great phrase. I saw it on the backside of a tee-shirt one time, when I was running a marathon. I like somewhat nonsensical phrases like this. Another one is, “If You’re not ahead you’re behind.” This is on the backside of one of tee-shirts, one that I acquired in an endurance ride, one called I Know You Ryder. The references are Grateful Dead Related.

I’m one for nonsensical sayings and songs. The songs – what just came to mind was a song with the refrain “reptiles, sure are nasty.” I only heard it once. I just did a search for it and could not find it. There were a good number of other songs with reptile in the title. They were all derogatory to woman.

Lilacs on April 11

Another one, “Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road,” by Loudon Wainright the Third. And another one, “The Titanic.” My tastes in music are very simple tune wise. I like the songs that some might say are stupid. I can’t think of any more examples of nonsensical songs right now, but as soon as I turn off the computer, they will all come to mind. Then tomorrow when I turn the computer on, they will all leave my mind.

I don’t know what it is about reptiles that make them such a turnoff. I think that the individuals who wrote up the story of Adam and Eve, they were playing on the majority of people’s fears, including mine.

Snakes make lousy pets. This is my declarative statement of the day.

A good day; a better day than I thought it was going to be. My neck pain continues to come and go. It morphed into a full-blown headache at midday, then both the headache and the neck ache disappeared. Go figure. But now the neck ache is coming back.

I do wonder if this malady is stress related. Today I matted images with my friend Cathy, in her apartment. I inadvertently left my cell phone in my car. This was a good thing because I enjoyed the peace of mind that came from not having it with me. It was as if, for an hour or so, I was able to leave my BLBP worries behind.

Cathy and I talked about many, many things. Her place, a small apartment, is filled with her artwork. I talked more than I have with anyone because I had the time. And she had the time to listen. I put together a two-sided, matted illustration. I was pleased with my efforts.

Cathy has a fractured tibial plateau. This is what I had when we lived in Milwaukee. Cathy can’t easily leave her apartment, so she’s doing her artwork at home. We met at the Palmer Senior Center and have become good friends.

Speaking of good friends, this afternoon Mario and Mary, my senior center friends, walked in the door of the former banquet room of the former Eagle Hotel. It was a happy reunion. As Mary said, they leave (to go to Arizona) before the geese head south and return before they come back here. This makes a lot of sense to me.

Next: 101. 4/12/24:The Wayback Machine

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