otherwise, we would not communicate with one another about our respective things to do lists.
Yesterday afternoon, I determined that I’d stay home today. I had done enough work in town, on the book project, or so I thought. But as I laid half-awake, a few other things I might do, for example get books over to the Palmer Senior Center, came to mind. I broke the rule and began talking with Pete about my plans.
I told him that I needed to break up the boxes in the front room, so that he could take them to the recycling center on Saturday (tomorrow is the open house day so they had to go) and that I had to get books ready for him to take to the Trunk Road laundromat. He said he’d do both.
I sat part way up and looked out the window. It was again snowing. And as I tended to the horses and ate my breakfast, it continued to snow. Since Pete had decided to tend to the boxes and pick up the books, I decided that I could forego going to the Palmer Senior Center.
So I stayed put. I talked to Pete at noon, and when he said that the roads were questionable in places, I realized that I’d made the right choice.
So after he left I worked on BLBP administrativa. I put together my BLBP Executive Director’s Report and made a few calls. A local organization said that, yes, they’ll take the women’s health and fitness bookcase that is now in the Meeting House. This is an indication that, yes, we do have connections in the area, and this, along with the books being needed, means that they will go. Those books in the bookcase – it only took a day in which to get them into the hands of appreciative readers.
I also contacted people about tomorrow’s Open House.
As I write this, its 1:37 p.m. I am going to do some housework then take the dogs for a walk. It appears as though the storm was just a squall – this is what I figured would transpire. So I will also get the horses out.
No driving for me today. I made the right choice.
Next: 96. 4/7/23: Horses, of Course |