The high point of my day was our getting all three horses out this evening. Rather than leave one behind (which hurts me more than it hurts them), we took all three out. Pete ponied Hrimmi while riding Raudi. I rode Tyra. A runner did come up behind us while out on Murphy Road, and Tyra, who did not hear him, spooked and took off. Most horse people would laugh in seeing any of our horses spook. It’s just a few fast steps forward.
Many years ago, Raudi would have bolted, but those days are over. She’s now into conserving rather than expending energy. Hrimmi has always been into conserving energy. Tyra will move quickly if the situation merits it, which is seldom.
While riding, I had time to think about the events of the day. Went to the reading group meeting at the Palmer Senior Center. We were to discuss Joan Didion’s A Year of Magical Thinking. One person who I know quite well was put off by the fact that Didion had led a “privileged” life because she made reference to so many places and people in her life. I tried to explain that no writer is privileged, but she would not hear of this. There was, after this woman spoke, a steady stream of negative comments. Funny how that worked.
The woman in charge of the reading group said that, always, it’s best to find the good in things. I thought that was very astute.
Then after putting out books and talking with seniors in the dining area that is not a dining area, I went to the Meeting House and cleaned books.
Lastly, I learned this evening that we might lose our bookcase spaces in our most popular site. This served to remind me that this project remains on tenuous ground. Maybe we do need to pass books out of our own building. This, as I see it, is not beyond the realm of possibility.
Next; 94. 4/5/23: Whether or Not |