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March 22, 2023: Keep On Keepin On

March came in like a lamb and may depart like a lion. This is a result of climate change. There are some out there who do not believe in climate change, or that humans, with their reliance upon traditional energy sources, are the cause for this. I have been told by presumably intelligent people that we are witnessing the end of a natural life cycle. I have come to realize that very conservative people are in denial about this – and denial is not a river in Egypt.



If Jim, our neighbor, was still around, he’d be weather bashing. This is my new term for those who grouse endlessly about inclement conditions.

It was overcast and blustery today, and I, who crave sunshine, did some weather bashing of my own, as I walked through parking lot slush, to where the State basketball championship games are being played.

It was déjà vu all over again because, yes, I did the same last year, which is I gave Melina, who works for TOTE, an assist in getting rid of her Bookwaves books. Milena was the one who took on close to 40,000 remaindered books and attempted to find them appreciative readers. She fell short by about 20,000 books.

So Milena still has books, and the basketball venue is (as we learned last year) a good place to unload them. Little kids and grandparents seem to gravitate in the direction of the books. I don’t know why parent aren’t checking out the books. I have also noticed that the Bright Lights Book Project readers tend to be somewhat young and somewhat old.

We entered via the front door with armloads of books (Milena’s idea) and were commended by a woman taking tickets at the entrance. She first said that we were doing a wonderful thing, then said that she remembered us from last year.

I don’t want to take anything away from sporting events. From what I can see, basketball, with players, cheerleaders, and band members working in concert with one another, are working collaboratively. Too bad this often goes unrecognized.

We were given a space and a table off the beaten path. We called management and relocated to a more central location – right across from the gym where the consolation games were taking place. As I said repeatedly, location, location, location – our being in a more heavily trafficked area was advantageous. The books were well received by those wandering the halls.

After, Milena and I went to Title Wave and filled her Subaru with boxes of books. We got what we specifically asked for – children’s books. We put the books on the tables in the front room when we got back to the Meeting House and looked them over. The kids, young adult, and science books are all new and don’t, as do the Tyson Elementary School books, have library tags on them.

I also brought out the shipping boxes and put them in this room. Packing the books up is going to be ridiculously easy because they are easily accessible.

Next: 81. 3/23/23:Long Day at the Office

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