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March 17, 2023: What the Universe Gives Us

It could easily have been an ideas day today. I had intimations but didn’t seem to have the time to dwell on them. This is not a good thing. In fact, it’s a bad thing. I need more time to let ideas float to the surface of the pond or sink to the bottom.

But I did have this thought, and I managed to keep it in mind so that I might expand upon it tonight, in this dispatch.

Ryder and Shadow

This is that the Universe (capital U as a form of respect) gives us each something, sometimes tangible and sometime intangible. Today I found myself thinking about the tangibles.

My life has always been an embarrassment of riches. From the time I was little, I have gotten what I most wanted. My life right now is indicative of this.

First, of course, there is Pete whose love for me seems to be unconditional. I am at times not an easy person to live with. I continue to try his patience. Always, he does for me what seems to need doing. It’s not easy because my head is above the clouds while his is below the clouds.

And there’s my sister Eleanor, whose love for me has always seemed to be unconditional. I am not the best of sisters – sometimes I go for a while without calling her because I’ve become busy with other things/lost track of time. But my sister, always nonjudgmental, continues to consider me to be her confidant and friend.

And I have many, many friends, two new ones. One is Rebekah who visited today with her daughter Jacki – in time she may become a horseback riding buddy. The other is Kaylene, who today did a road trip with me to Anchorage where we picked up more kids books from Title Wave Books and then went shopping at Natural Pantry.

And here, I live in Alaska. The Mat-Su Valley is growing fast. But there are many places around here where the wilderness areas are still accessible. And for this I am grateful.

And I got what I wanted in the way of animals, three horses (Icelandics!) two goats (Alpines!) two dogs (Border collie and Aussie!) and four chickens (breed unknown!) All these animals are gentle, kind, loving, and extremely intelligent.

And then there is this book project. I have met many wonderful people because of my involvement with this – and I have had access to hundreds and hundreds of books – there has and there will never a shortage of them.

And then I have a bed to sleep in and three square meals a day.

Oh, and let us not forget that every night, if I choose, I can take a shower with hot water, and for any length of time.

There are many others in this world who have far less than I do. Some might even be grateful, having less. I don’t know. I do know that I should be more grateful than I have been in the past.

This is not going to be difficult.

Next: 77. 3/19/23: The Horse Gene

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