with. Those who believe that there is just one life, and this is it – well, as they say, it was a good ride.
Getting out of here in the mornings is always a challenge because there are many details. I look at the clock and I think, early, early, early. Then I look at the clock and go, late, late, late. There is no time in between late and early. And late, late, late becomes late, late, late, late because there is always one more thing to do.
So, we never get out of here at the scheduled time. I now tell Pete that we need to get going 15 minutes before we really need to leave for anywhere -- this works, sort of.
Saturday mornings, off to the VCRS recycling center to salvage books, stopping first at the Meeting House to pick up some books that were past their shelf life. Also, we picked up some errant boxes, well past their shelf life.
At VCRS – there were not a lot of books, just a half pallet and Gaylord. I salvaged the books in the Gaylord and Pete and Bill salvaged the half-pallet. We found more good books in a shopping cart full of books ready to be shredded. This included a box of children’s books.
After, we three went to U-Haul and picked up more boxes of books. This is good – we are now subtracting instead of adding books to the U-Haul lot. Bill was really upbeat – he said the books at Vagabond Blues are now going fast.
We had a BLBP Board Meeting at 2:00 P.M., at the Meeting House. We now have three new board members. Milena resigned as president, so there was going to be less critical mass.
I think that we all, old and new board members, were feeling energized because of the sunny weather. Our all-time low vitamin D levels are now at an all-time high.
At the conclusion of the two hour meeting, we watched the Alaska Nomad Cinematic video – and after, there was some discussion about it. Finally, I am learning, what I am not sure, but I am learning. I stayed quiet and listened and took notes then responded to everyone’s comments/feedback. It’s going to fly Orville.
And yes, I came up with 500 words. It was not all that difficult. |