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January 7, 2023: Making Lemons out of Lemonade

The phrase, making lemonade out of lemons makes more sense than does making lemons out of lemonade; that is, until you think about it. The latter requires you to reverse the how-to process. You can’t do it physically, but you can mentally.

I remember when I was teaching composition studies, I’d have the students write how-to essays, doing the process in reverse. This then enabled them to play God.

Alys pulling books out of a gaylord

Well, writing that was fun. I have not written a prose poem in years. And it may be years before I write another one.

I’m becoming a night writer, and not by choice. The early mornings are now too full of possibilities. It didn’t used to be this way but now it is.

Today, early, we went to the recycling center and salvaged books. It appeared as though there were very few books on hand – both Bill and I were disappointed – and Pete immediately began to fret because it appeared that we’d have three hours to kill before meeting our friend Carolyn at the Meeting House.

I went over to the Gaylord that contained boxes with the hardback books, ones that would be pulped. And I began pulling out the discards. This included Christmas books that the VCRS staff had no interest in saving. I had found a taker, which is what I told Bill and Pete. I also told them that I was hanging onto cookbooks, adding that they would go if I put them on a cookbook shelf. And, I added, that I would take the self-help books to Alaska Family Services. All total, I salvaged seven boxes of books.

Nest stop, U-Haul storage unit. Pete, Bill, and BLBP board member Robert Wallis assisted me in rearranging the existent boxes, so now I’ll more easily be able to get at the stock.

Lastly, the four of us went over to the Meeting House and with Carolyn; the landlord, took a look at the basement space. Bill whipped out his tape measure and figured out what we are going to need in the way of shelving.

And in my head, I figured out where incoming books are going to go.

Pete later said that we found places for nearly 100,000 books last year. I guess we did make lemons out of lemonade.

Next: 8. 1/8/23: Shelf Life

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