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February 26, 2023: Walking Horses

Late this afternoon, I took the three remaining horses, the mares, for a walk.

It was sunny and cold. The sun, an orange ball, was near the horizon line. The sun is now setting around 6:30 p.m., so I now have enough time to get them out late in the afternoon.

Of course, I thought about the horses – I routinely assess their moods, making sure that they are still feeling good. All were much the same, and of course, glad to get outdoors. Tyra, loose, raced up to the Murphy Road turnoff and stopped before she would be hit by three very fast snowmobilers. She then ran back to me for her treat. Of the three, she’d most like to go on a long trek.

I thought about how my day began – I cleaned the goat enclosure and the chicken roost. I felt good about this, I always feel good about this because I know that they all like being in clean environs.

Pete at VCRS

Sassy loves to ride in the manure sled. It’s hard to dislodge her once she’s climbed into the passenger seat.

I thought about the fact that the wooded property next to Jim’s place (which is for sale) is now also for sale. Not good.

I thought about going to town for a BLBP grant committee meeting – there was talk about going to Wasilla, but I objected, saying I did not feel like going that far. We had the meeting downstairs, in the area that I set up for this purpose. This was so that we would not be in the way of the late afternoon church attendees.

Pete and I showed them Alaska Nomad Cinematic’s book project video – it came out last night. I like the video. And I am appreciative of Logan, the videographer’s visionary efforts.

Logan zoned in the big picture. This sounds like a contradiction in terms, but it isn’t. He inadvertently brought into question the BLBP’s stance on the suppression of information – and so now we have to ask ourselves, will we remain mum about this, and at the same time the various forms that it takes – or will we join the fray?

I say, join the fray. Others say that they are dubious about joining the fray. When you have opposing ideas, you have drama.

I talked to my sister El about this, and she said that she wished that this project wasn’t such a struggle for me. I didn’t say what I was thinking, which is I am not living in a foreign country and having to deal with governmental censorship. Rather, I’m living in the US and dealing with governmental censorship. Big difference. Here, I know the language.

We’ll send the video on to trusted friends and see what they have to say. I think that, unknowingly, we hang out with the radical fringe – the ones who actually made okay career choices.

Next: 58. 2/27/23: Hindsight and Foresight

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