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February 5, 2023: Bright Lights Book Project Flier

We don’t rely much on social media when in promoting the Bright Lights Book Project. Word of mouth, articles, and fliers around town have, thus far, served us in good stead. These forms of promotion also complement our mission statement, which is to get books into the hands of appreciative readers. I suspect that this sort of marketing also takes more time than social media. Yes, I write in, and attempt to convey information in, complete sentences.

Today Pete proofread the query letter that I sent to the Alaska Humanities Forum magazine, called the Forum. I also sent a query letter to Valley Living, and I wrote an article for the People’s Paper. The latter is about the Bookcases in the Schools program. Pete will refer to the latter when he writes up the project report for The Palmer Community Foundation.

Together, we also came up with a flier. I’m going to host a Bright Lights Book Project Open House on Friday, February 10, 2023. Pete and I worked companionably on the advertising flier this morning, with me coming up with the wording, and Pete formatting and adding the project banner and the logo. We haven’t been using a logo. I drew one up some time ago, but I could not find it.

So today I redrew the logo as Pete was doing the formatting. I did this hurriedly because I didn’t want to keep him waiting. The sun is a bit lopsided, as are his sunglasses. I can and will do better in the near future. Pete photoshopped the wording that’s around the sun. Much to my amazement, he was able to curve this part of the text. I says to him, I says, “will wonders ever cease!”

After, we finished drawing it up, I did a close reading of this document, noting that it is indicative of the fact that both Pete and I have put a considerable time and effort into this project.

Pete designed the banner. I designed the logo, which is of the sun wearing sunglasses and reading a book. There’s information about the Meeting House, where the open house is being held. I’ve spent considerable time there, sorting, categorizing, and getting books ready for distribution. In fact, I’ve often said to Pete that the place is like a second home to me.

Most recently, Bill Schmidtkunz put in two shelves on the basement floor. After, I moved most of nonfiction books from the top floor to the basement floor. I left the children, young adult, and fiction books on the top floor.

This project took considerable time. I hope that in the long run (since the books are better organized) that moving books around will now take less time. I’m also hoping that the books will appear more inviting to those attending Friday’s Bright Lights Book Project Open house.

It was a lot of work for a Sunday, a supposed day of rest. In addition to doing all the above, I did get the three mares out for a walk. They were most appreciative.

Next: 37. 2/6/23: Snow?

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