2024 is going to be a pivotal year in terms of national and international politics.
Another good reason for remaining in Alaska – Canada provides a buffer of sorts – so we aren’t as affected by, say, privacy issues or intervention as they are in the Lower 48.
2024 is also going to be a pivotal year for the Bright Lights Book Project.
Today Pete and I met with Russ, who owns the property behind the Meeting House. I’d previously corresponded with him about our purchasing the property, which has a long building that has served as a garage.
He stopped communicating with us – he had other things going on. Out of the blue I got an email from him in which he said that he’s going to put the property up for sale and was wondering if we’d still be interested in purchasing it.
I first thought no. And Pete first thought no. But we got to thinking about it some, and after meeting Russ, have had a change of heart. Both of us agree that there would be less to contend with, should we purchase the land. We are set where we are – it’s a good space to be working out of. But we could stay put while constructing a more permanent home.
Russ agreed and said that we have until sometime this summer to make a decision as regards our plans. This seemed to me to be reasonable – I was expecting him to say that he’d give us two weeks.
I obviously believe in signs – for example yesterday I wrote about the really fast snowmobilers passing us on the road – and that thought occurred to me that we should consider moving. Today, at the hotel, an incident with as much portent occurred.
Pete and I both went to talk to a woman who was on the far side of the door at the historic Eagle Hotel. She seemed to me to be a bit out of it. I went to get her a bookmark and Pete continued talking to her. I left the pair – moments later Pete said that as he was conversing with her, she pulled a bottle of Cuervo out of her backpack and took a swig.
Hearing this, I thought, oh oh. This sort of thing might happen regularly, if we were to stay at the hotel. I don’t want to be a social worker, which is why I think that we need to weigh our options very carefully.
Yep, this very well could be a pivotal year for the Bright Lights Book Project.
Next: 356. 12/28/23: Taking advantage of a book project related lull |