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December 20, 2023: The Writing Life: Looking for Answers

I am fortunate now in a very odd way. I now am spending a better portion of my day thumbing through books for those of all ages, on a variety of subjects. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, young adult, and children’s books – I see it all. I salvage, sort, clean, stamp, categorize and distribute these books. I don’t get many days off.

I love what I do. And I think that the volunteers who assist me also love what they do. I even see those who find cleaning books to be a mindless task sometimes looking over books carefully, and at the same time reading passages. And always, conversation often revolves around the contents of the books in question.

Few people in life are so fortunate as to have the job that I have. I’m convinced that the reason it has not yet paid is because I, at the subconscious level, don’t think that I should get paid to do such a fun job. I’d like to dispel this notion, but I’m not sure how to go about this. It’s impossible to make my conscious thoughts known to my subconscious. I’ve tried and had no luck in opening communicative doors. And so, in the meantime, I just keep thanking my lucky stars that I am doing what I’m doing, and others are doing what I’m doing.

I’m fortunate in that Pete is putting in as many hours on this project as I am.

We both worked long and hard today.

My day began with my spending an hour working on Shelf Life. I added to my already lengthy introduction and worked on Part 1. In the end stages of the introduction, I mention that I’m a central character. I don’t go into detail because, after all, this is an introduction. But I say that my first person stance enables me to answer a question that readers will have, which is why is it that given the seemingly insurmountable challenges that I’m facing, why don’t I throw up my hands and say that I’m done with this?

The answer is going to materialize in the section narratives, which are at the beginning and end of each part. I am including some about my family history and my book-related interactions with my mother and father. They’re both dead, but in my mind they’re very much alive, which is why in later chapters they are going to appear in ghost form. This will correspond with the characterization in Field of Dreams – the ball players are also ghosts.

And, already I am thinking about who might be the best publisher for this work. The most obvious one in the University of Alaska Press, since the setting, characters, and over abundance related themes are Alaska related.

I do not want to self-publish. I have now looked at thousands of books, and I can spot a self-published book a mile away. I want my book to be more credible.

I forgot to mention – when reading books, I look for things that resonate with my life. Right now, I want affirmation, for other writers to say that, yes, writing is indeed difficult. I found such a book today. More about this book tomorrow.

Next: 349. 12/21/23 The Winter Solstice

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