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January 30, 2023: Hope Springs Eternal

And if you believe that, I have a three-sided dime for you. There is no hope, springs are in the ground, and eternal means forever. Go figure.

Well, and so, uhhh, today we went to town and checked out two adjacent buildings on a single piece of property on Cobb Street. Profiles of Excellence was originally a day-care multiplex. There’s a huge playground to one side called Bugge Park. There is playground equipment and a little library in the park.

Tom, who is Jim’s realtor is now our realtor. We’ve asked him to give us an assist with finding property and act on our behalf. I learned that the property was for sale when I did an on-line check.

We got Bill, who was working on a second bookshelf, to come along.

This time, I didn’t get my hopes up because I don’t believe that hope springs eternal.

We entered the first building – it was bright, airy, large, and had several rooms. It also had little drinking fountains and toilets. The same held true of the second building. The guys were right – either building (and we’d only be able to afford one of the two) would have a huge electrical and heating overhead. My thinking was that we could get grant funding to pay for this, that is if we had a cadre of grant writers, working morning and night.

My assertion, that the place (zoned for commercial use) is somewhat large. But we’d never have to worry about outgrowing it. And we would not have to construct a building.

I did agree that perhaps we should wait until spring – the sellers might be more motivated to sell if they don’t immediately part with the property.

Tom thought that we should continue to pursue the option of the property behind the Meeting House. Problem is, the owner isn’t motivated to sell. So we are again back to square one. Hope most definitely is not springing eternal.

We returned to the Meeting House – Bill worked on, and finished up the book shelving project, and after I finished categorizing books, I put them on the shelves.

All the books, upstairs and downstairs, are now fairly well organized. The new set-up means that I’m going to spend less time shlepping and more time writing about shlepping.

Pete, after getting hay, put together seven more banker boxes. And I then put labels on them.

We cut out of the Meeting House at 3:30 p.m. There is enough time so that I now have time to get all three horses out for a walk. It was overcast, but not dark when I finished up with Tyra.

We missed our horse-shoeing appointment. I’m going to have ice shoes put on the Icelandics so that I can resume riding. Raudi’s wound is healed enough so that she can again go the distance.

Tomorrow I am supposed to go across town and put out books at an event for homeless people. Maybe there, hope will spring eternal.

Next: 31. 1/31/23: Per Chance, to Dream

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