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October 31, 2023: Halloween

I was telling someone this today – in the past, Halloween was for me just another day. I paid it no mind and it paid me no mind. I also considered October 31 to be the last day of the month, no different than any other day.

The past few days, I was forced to observe Halloween observances. This was not by choice but because I was around others celebrating this particular holiday.

It began a few days ago when I ended up passing out a lot of books at the Palmer Street-related Halloween events. Those who took the books were dressed in costumes and carrying candy laden buckets and bags. This was then enough for me.

Today was actually Halloween proper. It began with Cherokee appearing at the hotel door in costume, this as I was preparing to distribute books at the Palmer Senior Center, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and the Mat-Su Borough Building. She had on a blue wig and what she called an anime costume. She was bemoaning the fact she wasn’t wearing the correct shoes. I think that later she went over to the Bishop’s Attic Thrift Store in search of them.


Some were wearing costumes at the Palmer Senior Center.

It was later in the day when I was really forced to acknowledge that it was a holiday. The plan was to pass out books this evening at Mat-Su College. I had spent months collecting Halloween books and weeks cleaning them. Pete had them in his office at the college – they were ready to be distributed.

I got to the college and discovered that Pete had brought all the books over from his office and set them next to one of three tables. Our part of the school event was to be held on the bridge connecting the two main buildings.

The two banners were respectively hung and placed on a table and a few of the faculty were setting the books on the tables, window ledges, and floor. I assisted in putting out books, as did Pam, who is a BLBP Board Member and Robert who is the BLBP President.

Build it and they will come. The previous bridge was not a very inviting structure. It had a concrete floor and both sides were surrounded by a chain link fence. The refurbished bridge is very inviting. It has windows on both sides, carpeting, and plants lining the sides. It is a place where usually students, and today kids and their parents, lingered.

They came, they saw, and they took books. Lots of Halloween books. I had Christmas and Thanksgiving, and general interest books, but they did not go. What went were the Halloween books. All the Harry Potter books were also taken.

Lois, who is in charge of book cleaning, is a former elementary school teacher. She read three books to the handful of kids who were able to sit down. Robert later read a book. And I read a book.

After, Pete and I packed up all the books and loaded them into his car. I will get the remaining Halloween and Thanksgiving books out on the shelves. And I’ll put the Christmas books with the other books.

Will I do this again next year?

Most likely.

Next: 300. 11/1/23: Same Old Same Old

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