I came inside, ate breakfast, then went to read some of book by Moshe Feldenkrais before doing my exercises. I sat down in our very comfortable Ottoman, then after a few minutes, I went to get up. I took a single step and screamed. I could not walk. Right then, I again had a moment in which I panicked in thinking about how I would not be able to do what I set out to do today, which included riding the horses.
I laid down and did some Feldenkrais work. Then I had Pete assist me in doing some adjustments by pulling on my legs and rubbing my lower back. I then got up and walked around. I could walk although I felt some pain.
I took Hrimmi for a walk, just to test the waters, and I had no intense pain. I then ate lunch and after we took Raudi and Tyra out for a ride. I was stiff, Tyra was slow. There was, I knew, a correspondence.
After, I went to town and stopped at Fireside Books and purchased Wheels on Ice for the chiropractor. It was then that I noticed that the owner was wearing a Dr. Suess hat, and as well, the other employees were dressed up. Outside, they had a book display. I subsequently became aware that there were kids in costumes all over the place.
I went back to the Historic Eagle Hotel and took more books to Fireside. I suspected, and was right – I did not give them enough books. A short while later, I realized that kids and parents were coming en masse down Main Street, and so I took the sandwich board sign and several boxes of books as well as some chairs out to the corner.
Build it and they will come. There were so many kids and parents in costume. Most of the kids had treat buckets. I passed out books, running inside to get more until it was near dark. Then I headed for home; and come to think of it, I didn’t think that hours before I could hardly walk.
Next: 296. 10/28/23: Up,Up, Up, and Away |