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October 24, 2023: Shift Key Not Working

Here I am, problem solving. The shift key on the keyboard I use when at my standing desk/bookcase is getting stuck. I am now sitting down, using the keyboard that’s attached to my laptop. It is working. I most likely have to get a new keyboard.

This is the least of my worries. The most of my worries may not be a worry. I will know tomorrow morning when I get up. Dang hip.

Today I went to the chiropractor’s office. Nice clean sunny office, Dr. Joe was there, waiting. In bits and pieces, I explained to him what the problem was, adding (when he asked) that on a scale of one to ten, my pain was an eleven.

He did what chiropractors do, checked my range of motion in both legs, which was really good, gave me a massage with his hand held massage device, and cracked my back. What most impressed me was his high level of concern and overall kindness. He was the way my dentist used to be before he became a parent four times over and a money making machine.

I had done my problem solving, figuring out what had happened, so all Dr. Joe had to do was make a diagnosis. He showed me on his three dimensional skeleton where and what the problem is. My malady is hip related – my hip bursa may be inflamed, or I may have a labral tear. The labrum is a ring of rubbery tissue that lines the rim of the hip socket (acetabulum). The labrum cushions and supports the hip joint while also stabilizing the joint. When you walk, run, jump, or twist, the labrum absorbs friction and distributes force evenly across the hip.

If I have a severe tear, I may need surgery. Dr. Joe didn’t seem to think so. And given that I could walk out of his office, standing erect, to me indicates that I am going to be okay.

I was of course in a very good mood today when I was at the hotel. Five volunteers cleaned, sorted, and categorized books. They were all so efficient that we moved on and are now cleaning Christmas books because the kids’ books are finished and shelved.

I have to be thinking ahead – always. I need enough children’s books on hand for this many people. We have a U-Haul filled with kids’ books, that is two pallets worth, so we are set.

This evening I cleaned the horse pen. It was the first time that I’d done this in a few days. I let the horses out of the pen, and they were racing around. Dr. Joe said that I can ride, so if the weather’s good tomorrow, this is what I am going to do.

The hardest part in dealing with this injury has been the fact that it has hurt walking. Every step has had to be calculated. I’m used to being on the move, so sitting around got old, really fast.

Next: 293. 10/26/23: Envy

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