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October 19, 2023: One for the Money, Two for the Show. . .

Three to get ready and four let’s go. A rallying cry for sure. A simpler rallying cry is “let’s go.” I have a tee shirt with a horse on it, one with a windswept mane, and underneath the horse head are those very words.

Rebekah, who used to be actively involved in the book project once remarked that I don’t like to be impeded. She was right about that. I move quickly and get annoyed when I am on a mission and have to slow down.



Locked doors are the bane of my existence. I prefer the kind of locks with numbers – I hate using keys. They take too much time to figure out and are easily lost. And losing keys is for me a distraction, a sort of impediment.

And what about you, dearest reader? Do you relish being slowed down?

I also don’t like supermarket or post office lines. And I have a very hard time with TSA lines at the airport.

I am a terrible trouble shooter because then I must slow down and problem solve. This takes too much time.

I would like to hire a person who would take care of these mundane matters for me. This person would report in in the morning and I’d give him or her or they their day’s marching orders. If I had nothing that needed to be addressed, they would have the day off, with pay.

I wonder how many people these days are reading my dispatches. It is interesting that I don’t see writing as an impediment. Rather, I see what it is that is keeping me from writing as an impediment.

I like going in a straight line, from A to B, quickly.

The book project is an impediment of sorts. I thought that I’d have more time once we got more space. This has not been so. I don’t know if it’s because there is more to do or because I am also doing other things. It surely is not what I envisioned.

I did not go riding today. I went into town early with Pete and we attended a BLBP meeting, one in which we talked about capacity – this is the big picture. The questions that we are now attempting to answer are: where are we going to get more books now that the local recycling center has cut us off? And how are we going to move them? And how are we going to store them? The latter – I am really liking the idea of our acquiring a Conex – a large, narrow storage container. If we get this, Pete and I would be able to take a trip next summer because books could go into storage. I am talking here several pallets of books at a time.

I want a Conex, and I want it now. I don’t want to have to do a search, or wheel and deal and dicker. Gimme now, dang it.

Next: 288. 10/20/23: A Glitch

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