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August 30, 2023: Fall for Y’all

Where did the spring and summer go? I stepped outside this evening, and for just a few seconds, it seemed spring like – mainly the air had that fresh smell. Then of course I looked around, at the overcast sky, and the leaves turning yellow, and the cow parsnip going to seed, and I realized that it is fall, and fall is here to stay until winter gives her the boot.

This morning I went for two rides – rode Tyra and Hrimmi. And low and behold, one more trail that we ride, the last, has been discovered by the wheelers. I wish so bad that mother nature would

Book Delivery Vehicle

bitch slap these individuals. The only thing that might happen is that gas prices get so high that they can no longer afford to venture out onto the trails.

Pete says that we can contact the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (a misnomer, for sure) and perhaps next year they can put No Camping signage where they are now all congregating, that is across from our trailhead right next to Wasilla Creek. They camped down road last year, and now that there’s a no camping sign there, they are camping up here.

And their camping up here means that they have more direct access to our trails. And because they have more direct access, they are taking advantage of the situation.

I thought that rain would put a damper on their hunting ventures, but apparently not. It’s mud city in several places, most notably near the trail entrance, where the entrance leads to my now former single tracks. I was up to my ankles in mud and water. Hrimmi took a look at the huge puddle, aka lake, and gave me a look as if to say, “what gives?” I says, “the base of the trail gives.” Hrimmi got what I was saying and continued on carefully behind me.

And so I get to the hotel and watch, as across the street, the construction powers that be continue to load the parking lot fill into huge side loader dump trucks. Yesterday I wore my hearing aids. Today I forgot them. And, of course, today there were people to converse with, inside the building.

I also got to watch the electric company employees mess around with the power pole and the lines. I have no idea what they were doing. The men were up in their buckets – there were several buckets. I wondered if they ever worry about getting electrocuted. They get a nice view of the area, but theirs is definitely a serious occupation. The road and parking lot were blocked off – I had to request that I have road access. Those monitoring street activity conferred and finally moved pylons, allowing me access to the main street.

All I did today was pack up and distribute books. This took me two hours. Was this two hours well spent? I haven’t a clue. It was raining, so I was not bemoaning the fact that I was doing this on a sunny day. No more. Should the sun ever shine here again, I will take full advantage of this.

Next: 238. 8/31/23: Goodbye August

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