Mountain hike would be a good one. I guess they looked at us both and thought, “they’re fit. They can handle this.” They were unaware that I was sucking in my gut when we conversed with them.
The first interpreter whipped out a map and gave us directional access information. We were to go to the campground and take the path between campsites 8 and 9. So we followed a very trodden trail, crossed a nicely constructed bridge, and took a left at the campfire box.
I was well prepared for what was to come. I had shoes in my backpack and pants in which the legs came off. I didn’t grab my walking sticks because I figured that I, a somewhat physically fit human being, would not need them. We came to a fast flowing creek and considered crossing. Becky said that once across, we’d end up doing some bushwacking – I let it be known that I didn’t want to cross the creek unless she could guarantee that the Fold Mountain trail was on the other side. She offered no guarantee but was reasonably sure that the trail was on the far side of the creek. Hmmm, I thought.
We elected to return to the Tombstone Interpretive Center and talked with a more energetic interpreter. This one stepped outside, and pointing to the distance mountain, said that was where the trail went. Hmmm, I thought.
So back we went, following the same route to the banks of the creek. I removed my hiking boots and put on my running shoes. Becky removed her hiking boots, and with a stick she found in hand, stepped into the stream. I followed. The water was numbing. I might have made it but was slowed down by barefoot Becky. I could handle it no longer. Cursing, I turned and galumphed back to shore. There I hung onto a tree limb and caught my breath.
Becky joined me. She wisely decided that we’d do a different hike and chose the Surfbird Trail. I was happy to hear this. The Fold Mountain trail was rated “difficult” and the Surfbird “easy.” Shades of last year. I once again determined that the terrain rating system was woefully inaccurate. It was relatively steep and tussocky. I discovered that my hiking boots are too wide in the ankle. I of course didn’t tell Becky this.
We hiked up to one ridge, ate lunch, then hiked up to another. Then after taking photos, we headed back downhill. It was not as arduous going down, but it was arduous enough. I was glad to have reached our final destination, the man truck. We travelled a bit down road, then camped in a turnoff.
My knee hurts. My callouses are making my feet feel like they are on fire.
Tomorrow will be another fun and exciting day.
Next: 231. 8/23/23: Halfway