Yesterday the very convenient side table that Bill said he built disappeared. I say convenient because I set my bins on the table, which meant that I didn’t have to sort from the ground.
Today, the drop box that Bill built and I had varnished disappeared. I put kids’ books in it, and the general public put their extra books in it.
What’s going ON? Are we next going to be asked to remove one, two, or three of the bookcases? I don’t feel good about this. I sent Bill a message and told him to deal. Oh oh.
Secondly, a volunteer had agreed to come and get the newspaper boxes. She was going to put them in the petting zoo area and the 4-H building. She did not come and get them. She said to me via email that she’d come and get them and paint them next week. What’s wrong with this picture? Well, I needed the space that the boxes now occupy, for incoming books. And she does not understand that the boxes are going to need to be washed, sanded, and given a base coat before painting. Oh oh. I think when these things happen that the BLBP is a house of cards.
Thirdly, this evening I was nearing the intersection of Sybarite Road and Jim’s Road when two hunters (on foot) came around the blind turn. I had just put the dogs on their leash and was walking Tyra. Both had heavy backpacks and guns. I asked if hunting season was coming up, and I was told it is tomorrow. Shit. I looked up the regulations tonight and sure enough, the fun begins at dawn for bow season.
Fourthly, writer stops in mid-sentence. What is wrong with this picture? Sounds like major league grousing to me. I either need a pinch hitter or get out of the game. Funny, how baseball analogies are now coming to the forefront of my thinking.
Next: 218. 8/10/23: Crazy Busy Grr, grr, grr |