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July 21, 2023: Doing it All

Life is just too short. When you are young, and there are many, many years ahead of you, life does not seem too short. We get, at best, 100 years or so to do all the things we want to do, but this is not nearly enough time. I do wonder, if we lived to be 200 years old, as a matter of routine, would we be more resourceful and attentive to the needs of our planet? Or would we fritter away the additional time, the way some of us do additional money? These are questions that won’t ever be answered.

So, in a given day, in this instance, this day, I tried to do it all. I did have a good plan that did not fully materialize. It began with my going to the Historic Eagle Hotel and working for a bit, straightening up. Pete arrived shortly thereafter, and we then went to the Mat-Su School District Warehouse and retrieved the books that I’d set aside yesterday. There were many more people there today, going through the curriculum stuff. We had the kid and young adult books.

I was again a little too proprietary which is something that I have to get over. If appreciative readers take books in their own hands, say at the warehouse, this is a very, very, very good thing.

Pete and I next went to the Mat-Su Miners ballpark, and there talked with the general manager perhaps owner for a bit. The ball player’s pancake breakfast IS next weekend, and will be held at the Palmer Train Depot, which is close to the Historic Eagle Hotel. We are going to take the dozen boxes of baseball books we have on hand and attempt to give them away. After this, I am going to approach the Wasilla Veterans office and see if they want any of the military history books that we have on hand.

This is where the plan went awry. I was planning, along with Pete, to go kayaking. I had a small window of time, which grew too small, so Pete ended up going without me. I cleaned books with Alicia, who routinely cleans books. She had her three year old son, Clark, stamp the books. We got quite a few done. A large portion of these books went to kids and adults at the nearby Friday Fling.

I went to relieve Bea at Friday Fling at 3 p.m. It was quite warm, and humid. People were in a good mood. I found a lot of takers for the board books.

I packed it up at 5 p.m., and after distributing books, came home. I ate dinner, then Pete and I took Raudi and Tyra on an outing. The foliage is now lush and dense. Monks Hood is out, but the horses pay it no mind. It must smell bitter.

Lastly, I got Hrimmi out. We went to check out the new place on Jim’s Road. While on the gravel road leading to it, I remember when the road was a single track trail. I do wonder how much longer we are going to live here – the area is becoming an ATV and snowmobiler’s heaven.

Next: 200. 7/22/23: Scorcher

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