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July 5, 2023: Re-Connecting with Horses

In front of me, the jagged edges of a mountain, here and there patches of last winter’s snow. We arrived here in camp at 8:00 p.m. It was a long drive from Palmer to Mile 80 of the Denali Highway, where we are now. I’ve pitched the tent and we ate pesto pasta for dinner. Pete is now cleaning up. The horses are tied to the trailer, Tyra on one side and Raudi and Hrimmi on the other. The dogs are tethered to the trailer hitch.

I wish that my friends Fran and Sarah who live in Fairbanks were here. They could then assist me in identifying the various types of plants I’m seeing. It would be a good time for this because most flowers are now in bloom. Fran and Sarah go on treks where they identify and take photos of various botanical wonders.

I often refer to field guides, but doubt I ever get it right. A stamen here, a petal there – it all makes a difference.

It was a long day – the Ford F 350 has to get an award for having the most uncomfortable seats of any pickup. Pete says that the ride is so uncomfortable because they’re made for larger guys. Well Ford would make a lot of money if they designed seating space for those of us who are under the average height and weight.

We did not immediately leave Bright Lights Book Project administrative behind. There had been a lull with few communicative tidbits. But this morning we got a call from Tracy who works for the Mat-Su Health Foundation who was eager to talk about getting us lined up with yet another consultant. Our former high powered consultant fizzled out on us like a dud firecracker. This new consultant is a member of what’s known as the Foraker Group – they give an assist to nonprofits like ours.

I checked my email on my cellphone when in Wasilla and Pete went into Three Bears to purchase bear spray and other accoutrements. I got a message from a woman I met last November at the Emergency Preparedness Fair – she is going to Belize and wants to take kids’ books with her. My thought, upon reading this was that the BLBP is now going international. I still harbor the dream of sending more books out of the country.

Another woman sent an email putting us in touch with the area Boys and Girls Club. Apparently, they want books and a bookcase.

And there was a message from Logan, our videographer, who just completed a prologue video, which will proceed a series of chapters that in time he’ll make into a documentary. Also, Harlan, a young reader, is interested in doing a reading in the former banquet room of the historic Eagle Hotel.

Lots to leave behind. Yes, I am doing this trip in order to reconnect with my three wonderful mares. They who are familiar with the camping/trailering routine, are making it easy. They loaded right up and once here, hopped right out. They are happy to have hay and water.

Tomorrow, midmorning, we’ll head up trail.

We forgot our pillows and also forgot to bring two additional rain sheets for the horses. Pete says that if it rains hard, we’ll put them in the trailer.

Raudi, Hrimmi, & Tyra


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