Senior Services seniors. I have three audiences in mind for this 800 word article. I got a draft done by noon. I then went and got the horse gear ready for our upcoming week-long trek. After, I cleaned the outside goat pen. This was the most mindless task of all—I literally pulled up sodden sod bedding with my bare hands.
Before and after dinner I went for rides, respectively, on Hrimmi and Tyra. They seemed to me to be happy to be getting out. In addition to doing Siggi’s Loop, we went to the end of Jim’s Road and checked out our neighbor’s building project. A road has been put in. With roads comes traffic, which is why there are several no trespassing signs on the property.
I was again (as I have in the past) struck by the fact that I get a lot done when I’m home. At the same time, I see all that I’m not getting done. For example, I haven’t done any agility training with any of the animals in over a year.
Yes, right now the scales are tipped, timewise, in the direction of work. The strange thing is, I am not getting paid for the work I’m doing. My having the near exclusive use of the company car is near payment enough. However, a regular salary would be most welcome.
The balance may be partially restored once I get all the books in the Historic Eagle Hotel in the right place. This is because all the books will be in one area and easily accessible. I’ll then have more time to spend on the home front. However, I suspect that the scales will still be tipped in favor of work because I am and most likely will remain the one who finds places for the books. My hope is that we’ll get the large grant that we applied for, which will enable us to resume sending books to villages. If this happens, I will be spending less time contacting other potential BLBP recipients.
I did nothing distribution-wise during the month of June, and so the books piled up. I also didn’t have many takers at Mat-Su Senior Services because I wasn’t as selective as I’d been in the past. This is changing – already, books that I think will interest these readers are surfacing.
But here on the home front. I very much want to be spending more time with all my animals. Yes, I will find the balance that I have lost.
Next: 182. 7/3/23: Memory |