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June 13, 2023: Weary

The cloud cover seems like a constant, along with some drizzly. I don’t mind the cold because I can dress for it. It would be advantageous to get some sunny, warm weather. This would be good for the current hay crop.

With our horsey friends leaving, it may be easier to get hay. I would, at the drop of a hat (maybe my Dr. Seuss hat) move to Northern New Mexico and never look back.

One of my goals should be to get the Bright Lights Book Project into the hands of those who are as committed as Pete, Robert, and I are. This could take a while – I have to be of the mindset that this is not my project, nor is it Pete and Robert’s project.

Robert, who is our board president, recently found himself with more free time and has been putting in a lot of hours. Yesterday and today he and Pete worked hard, and in a concentrated fashion, constructing and getting the bookshelves in place. This was a superhuman effort on their part.

The wooden shelves are up – now Pete needs to get the metal bookshelves up.

I spent the early part of my day at Palmer Senior Services. I brought books along but today there was just one taker. I did give a fellow a copy of a book by Louie Lamour, a memoir he wrote. This fellow had previously told me that he spent a day fishing with Louie.

The books were a secondary concern because one of the volunteers (with some assistance) had arranged a silent auction. I walked in and saw a lot of stuff neatly laid out on tables. I ended up bidding on, and winning a ceramic angel that was playing a violin. I bid on this for my friend Scott, who likes violin music and angels. This just seemed like a nice thing to do. Well, someone showed me that the angel was a quasi-music box – I wound it up and it played Hark the Harold Angels Sing. There was no violin accompaniment.

The amazing thing about the senior center is that about 100 people show up at lunch time – but they are no longer fed lunch. It’s a strong community and growing – as evidenced by the fact that they are no longer provided with hot meals.

I spent the later part of my day at the Meeting House, organizing, sorting, and cleaning books. I was assisted by Lois and Rebekah, who both cleaned and stamped books.

After they left, I had a substantial mess to clean up. Boxes and books were everywhere. And so, in walked an individual who is in charge of church finances. She acted surprised for she had been led to believe that by now, the project would be housed in a differing location. I explained to her what happened, which is that many, many books came in last week and we were all playing catchup.

My cordial attitude, about this and about life and general, seemed to calm her.

I later repeatedly said to Pete that the move is a very good thing. We simply outgrew the space we were allotted.

Next: 163. 6/14/23: When Dreams Become Responsibilities

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