Lately, I have been calling myself a visionary. It began when we had to fill out these stupid forms at a BLBP retreat – we were to categorize ourselves then determine what we were. Me, I didn’t categorize, I simply said to myself first and then to others, “you analytical; me, I’m a visionary.” You can’t be an analytical, you are analytical. You can be a visionary. Visionary then, is not a trait, it’s a type of individual.
As such, I have come to realize that I have the power to make things happen because I can imagine them and convey my ideas to others. Sad to say, I am not very persuasive, so my powers are limited.
I have managed to convince others that books are worth saving, and some of these individuals have gone to great lengths in assisting me in getting them into the hands of appreciative readers. As I write this, I am picturing the former banquet room of the Historic Eagle Hotel – I managed to get the books to this location by persuading others to give me an assist. I will further convince them to build shelves and to assist me in setting up the kids’ area. And yes, there will be workshops and classes in this space. This all was no small doing.
I have not yet (and do let your eyes linger on the word yet for a bit) convinced others that we should purchase the Historic Eagle Hotel. This just seems to be beyond their cognitive grasp. Me, I can envision it—the rooms being transformed into office space, the restaurant becoming a trendy café, the book project and literacy center putting Palmer, Alaska on the map. One must first be able to imagine what is to be, and this is what visionaries do. One must also then get others to see what’s to be.
Right now, my thoughts on this matter are just ha ha ha ha – but fate could intervene in a good way.
Well, we did finally get an ideal BLBP project location – and I am relieved. I feel like the project is still a deck of cards, but the winds that blow so strange aren’t going to knock it over.
I am always concerned about there being enough kids’ books. Another windfall, two pallets worth at VCRS. Ahh, this is because I envisioned it –maybe not today’s haul, but more books in general/in general more books.
Next: 153. 6/4/23: A Conversation amongst the Three Mares |