And I’m wired because I moved those books in preparation, do I dare say it? For our upcoming move. I had been seriously doubting that this would come to be. If I had my druthers (whatever a druther might be), I would have liked to have us move into a BLBP building and on land of our own. I am now picturing a bag of money with wings, flying off, which is what a lease is all about – but we had no choice. We were at the Meeting House guests who had overstayed our leave.
Pete and Robert and Bill salvaged books this a.m.; then they came to the Meeting House this afternoon, our red truck loaded with children’s books. I talked with Pete at 10:30 a.m. and he said that there weren’t many books on hand. Then he noticed a pallet of books, from the Sand Lake Elementary, and realized this constituted the day’s work.
They were going to take the books to U-Haul, but I’d actually cleared out enough space for a truckload. So this upcoming week I’ll have volunteers clean these books and get them out directly from the Meeting House.
After we finished unloading the books, Pete and Robert and I went over to the Eagle Hotel and checked out the restaurant, which is open until 3 p.m. everyday. We made friends with Spencer, who has been a waiter there for three years.
Robert then emailed Atli, the building owner; we met with him in the future book distribution room, and we went over space particulars in excruciating detail. Yes, he’s doing the remaining site work, and yes, we will soon have a contract in hand. We all seemed to agree on everything.
Tomorrow I will vacuum and clean the carpet. And if time, I will wash windows. I suspect that we’ll be bringing books over to the new distribution site on Tuesday.
I am envisioning a room with plants and art. Right now, it seems like it’s a – banquet room.
I am going to continue to work my tail off (I don’t have much of a tail left) so that I can take time off. A friend of Atli’s was with him, a young fellow who lives in San Francisco and works for Google and American Airlines. I explained and showed him pictures of the book schlepping portion of the book project – he got it. He was quickly able to ascertain what I have been up against. This made me feel good.
Got home, took Raudi for a lengthy trail ride. The tin can had been knocked off or came off the Tin Can trail branch. I put it back. And so, at the day’s end, everything was again right with the world.
Next: 146. 5/28/23: Down in the Old Hotel |