Our neighbors were Anchorage Animal Control volunteers. They had a polar bear shaped puppy and a Saint Bernard with them. All afternoon, I put dog books on their table. And they said they’d take more books.
We unloaded the uniform boxes in short order – we had volunteers, which was a huge help. Melina showed up shortly thereafter, and she and Rebekah did a wonderful job of further sorting the books so that they’d be easily accessible.
Rebekah and company left Anchorage shortly after the crowds started appearing. There were so many people there -- and many came and got books. The books were carefully laid out, so that it was easy for readers to browse and find what they were looking for. No one person now stands out in my mind because it was a sea of people.
Robert, the BLBP board president appeared after getting his tailpipe fixed. He too was a big help – too, he has a high degree of enthusiasm.
At about 3:00 p.m. (the event ended at 4 p.m.), I knew I’d had enough. I was out of bookmarks, which was a good thing because I didn’t have it in me to continue giving my elevator speech.
I had worked nonstop and had enough. But I kept going and made Melina and Robert work until 4 p.m. He took the boxed books and Melina took the empty boxes, of which there were enough to fill her car.
I went back to the Meeting House with Robert, and we unloaded the rest of the books there. Pete had been salvaging with Bill earlier – they didn’t bring back a lot of books – just enough to make me wince because there are now so many in the two small remaining BLBP designated spaces.
I was dreading this evening, having to pack – because I was supposed to leave for Fairbanks in the morning. Presumably, the flight was scheduled to depart at 11 a.m. Tonight, when Pete went to check it out, he realized it was scheduled to depart tomorrow night at 11 p.m.
I was relieved to hear this. I badly need a day here, just to chill.
Next: 139. 5/21/23: A Reprieve |