eat before resuming the search. He agreed because he’s Never Miss a Meal Pete. And, as we were eating, Shadow pushed open the door and entered the house and Ryder followed suit.
We next headed in the direction of town, stopping to check on the food dehydrator that was at a neighbor’s place. I realized that I’d forgotten my materials for the Kiwanis Presentation, so we went back and retrieved them.
We stopped at the Meeting House and met up with Karen, who had books for us, donated by Cathy Rasmuson. From there, we went to the Senior Center where I set out books, then went to The Kiwanis Club Meeting.
There are Elk, Moose, Lions, and other assorted fraternal organizations. I picture the Kiwanis as looking like hyenas, but personality wise, not as fierce.
I began my talk by talking about what sort of books are shredded – and why, then after describing the BLBP a bit more, I made a pitch for a service component. The Kiwanis get dictionaries into the schools. It’s my hope that they will include us when they do their presentations, and we can show the kids differing kinds of dictionaries. The odd thing is, I knew that they do this, having attended other presentations, but I’d never before thought that there was a way in that we could assist.
After this, it was back to the Meeting House, where for the rest of the afternoon I cleaned, sorted, and categorized books. More children’s books came in, so both rooms were at the onset of the afternoon full of books. By the end of day, the books were sorted and categorized and ready to be cleaned.
Pete and Robert decided to go to Anchorage and go car shopping. I stayed put at the Meeting House and continued to work. They ended up purchasing a Toyota RAV4.
I was and remain grateful to the two – but I realized after that I should have gone with. The vehicle has more miles on it than I like, and it is not what I envisioned a RAV4 to look like. A car is a car, right? It’s better than what I have right now, which is no vehicle at all.
Next: 135. 5/17/23: All the Signs of Spring |