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May 11, 2023 Finally

Spring is here. Not spinter or wing, or any other such thing. The signs are evident. The snow has melted off my cabin roof – the last of it went really fast. I looked out the kitchen window this morning and did a double take. I had not looked directly at the roof in a day or two.

This year we have two pairs of swallows vying for rights to our exclusive rental property. Like they say, location, location, location.

I can hear the four wheeler owned by one of the residents on the far corner now going up and down the road. The ATVers have already done considerable damage to the trails.

Pete put the mud flap at the base of the gate going into the goat pen. We have to have a mud flap otherwise the chickens can get out of, and the dogs can get into, the pen. And the other morning, two stray dogs came up the driveway then turned around and left. So much for that extra hour of sleep.

I let the hens out of their pen. They all looked really good, very healthy. And they were glad to get out.

All the muck buckets are now available for use – they were buried under snow. I’ve been filling them with hay and putting them in the driveway so that the horses can eat out.

The horses are about three quarters of the way through blowing their coats.

I am now riding on Siggi’s Trail. Last night I rode Tyra. This morning I rode Hrimmi. This evening I rode Raudi. It occurred to me this evening that I can now take the dogs with me.

The ground is firm – there are patches of snow here and there, just enough to keep things interesting.

This evening I rode Raudi to the end of Jim’s road. The new road is clearly visible. It is definitely a road. Now the snowmobilers and ATVers have access to the trails. I wonder how he feels about this.

There are green buds on the trees.

There are also patches of green grass here and there. Usually we let the horses graze by the base of the driveway after we ride. There isn’t quite enough grass there yet, but I estimate that in a week that there will be.

The horses have been going up to the manure pile behind the hoop house. The path there is now firm, so they aren’t sinking into the snow.

The horse pen is now free of snow and ice. There are a few muddy sections, most notably in front of the runoff pit, but for the most part it’s dry.

There’s heat in that sun!

Tomorrow and Saturday there is going to be a neighborhood cleanup. Some have already got a jump on this, as is evidenced by the fact that there are yellow plastic bags, ready for pick up.

Just waiting now to smell the aroma of the cottonwood trees.

Next: 130. 5/12/23: A Most Beautiful Day

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