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May 5, 2023: Hrimmi’s Eleventh Birthday

I had a lengthy conversation today, with Hrimfara, who is now well into the double-digits age-wise.

Alys: Hrimmi, you are now 11 years old.
H: Earlier you said that I am 10 years old.
A: You were born in 2012, this makes you 11.
H: Oh. Is this old for a horse?
A: Nope.
H: How old are Raudi and Tyra?
A: Tyra is 10 and Raudi is 20.
H: Raudi 20? That’s old.
A: Somewhat.
H: I noticed that she’s been taking daily naps.
A: This is not a sign of age, it’s a sign of intelligence.
H: How’s that?

Alys leading Hrimmi

A: You and Tyra stand guard while she rests.
H: I guess you’re right.
A: Do you remember your being born?
H: It was here, right?
A: Yes, in the pen adjacent to the enclosure.
H: It was a small, but safe space.
A: Do you remember, a few days after you were born, we had a party and over 50 people came to take a look at you?
H: Yes, and I put on quite the show, running around and bucking and kicking.
A: Yes, and finally Signy, your dam, knickered to you and said that you needed to rest.
H: And I remember that Raudi was seriously put out – she was, up until then, the center of attention.
A: Yes.
H: But she’s again the center of attention.
A: Not really. You three are treated pretty much the same.
H: Wait. I’ve heard you say that Raudi is your favorite.
A: Yes, I have said this. She is my first and for this reason she has a special place in my heart.
H: And Tyra and me?
A: The heart has four chambers.
H: And there are three of us.
A: The fourth chamber feelings are for Siggi and Signy and Tinni.
H: You don’t say.
A: I do say. Do you also miss them?
H: Yes, of course. But their spirits are still here.
A: Are they all content?
H: They are content. But they know you miss them all.
A: I can’t deny this.
H: We need to talk about something more upbeat.
A: Good ride today, eh?
H: Yes. I like it that it’s now warmer.
A: Pretty soon, we’ll again be out on the trails.
H: Are we doing a trip this year?
A: I didn’t think so, but it might happen. Most importantly, we need to get in lots of riding time.
H: Will I again be the pack horse?
A: If we do overnights or a lengthy trip. Do you enjoy being the pack horse?
H: When the loads are light. Signy once told me about the first time you loaded her up. You had all this stuff lying about – and once you got it all in place she felt like a beast of burden.
A: We learned fast to lighten the load.
H: Tyra says that titanium forks, plates, bowls etc. are the way to go.
A: How did she know this?
Hrimmi and Alys simultaneously: A bird told her so.

Next: 124. 5/6/23: The Birds Return

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