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April 18, 2023: Some things We Learn as we Get Older

I had a hard time sleeping last night. Usually I get a few hours sleep in, but not last night. I started to doze, and then Ryder went downstairs and let it be known to the world that she had to go out and pee. I again started to doze, and then Ryder went downstairs and let it be know to the world that she had to go out and pee. I again started to doze, and then Pete, who had been tossing and turning, got up to use the bathroom.

After all that, I could not get to sleep, so I instead continued to give thought to things that at the time I thought I should be thinking about. Of course, once I was fully awake these things were inconsequential.

Alys and Raudi

I did try going through the portal, the place in which I retreat to in order to get away from more mundane matters. However, a strong wind kept pushing me back in the direction of reality. I could then no longer fight those winds and again resumed thinking about consequential things that I today deemed inconsequential.

I knew along that today would be a day in which I felt tired. The odd thing is, this state of being did not hit me until I got home this evening. Then it felt like the snow load that landed on top of me the other day – as I exited the outhouse and headed in the direction of the horse enclosure. Whooooooooooomp.

I was lucky – I got knocked down by a chunk of ice, snow, and ice cycles. A short while later the entire snow load came off the roof. Whhhhhhhhhooooooooommmmmmmmmp. Yes, I was very lucky for I had the second time around cheated death.

So this evening, as tired as I was, I got Raudi out for a ride. I wish that I’d had the time to get all three horses out, but I had time for just one. And the apple of my eye was it. I was so exhausted that I just put my brain on autopilot. I have saddled up and ridden her so many times that not much thinking was involved. Rather, it was a mechanical gesture.

I estimate that we are going to have (like last year) a month-and-a-half of really dry weather. Then, like last year, it will again rain non-stop until next fall.

There is the likelihood that we still may be able to do a summer trip. It’s all going to be dependent upon whether or not we get a more permanent home for the book project, that is one in which we can easily store books, in an accessible fashion. Pete did say tonight that should we get a building on church property, a portable perhaps, that we are going to have to do this, this summer. There is also the likelihood that we might still work out an agreement with the fellow who owns the long garage behind the Meeting House.

In the meantime, I continue to work myself into a state of exhaustion, then am unable to sleep because I’m figuring out where the books are going to go. There. I have spoken the truth.


Next: 108. 4/19/23: A Wing and a Prayer

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