I saw the magpie pair down the road, where the pussy willows were. Maybe spring will first appear there.
I of course am most looking forward to the return of the geese. I wasn’t wanting to see them go in the first place. Next year, I may follow them south.
The horses are shedding, Tinni less so. He may need to have his Cushing’s medication increased.
The chickens are now spending the day in their coop, and with assistance, their evenings in their roost.
I’m getting the goats out twice a day. I need to clean all the animal pens and will do this in the next few days.
People are moving about more – the books on the bookshelves are going more quickly.
I ran into my friend Michele today, at the Vagabond Blues bookcases.
She had two shoeboxes with running shoes in them. I followed her lead and went and bought a pair of Saucony trail running shoes. I am going to ask her to put me on a schedule; that is, if the shoes fit. I have not had a lot of success these past few years in getting running shoes that fit.
And like Michele, everyone seems to be in a good mood (this is because of the weather); if there was to be a prize to be handed out for this it would have go to the postal clerk at the Palmer Post office. For years we’ve had to deal with the likes of Spike, who was very reptilian in appearance and manner. He moved very slowly and did not interact with customers.
The new clerk, who interestingly enough was wearing sunglasses, had a huge smile on her face. When I said that I appreciated her good cheer, she said to me that this morning, she sang her boss a song from Mary Poppins, I think it was “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”
I made the book rounds today – once again I did not get very far – I again ran out of books. Tis the season, I say.
The hunt for space to house the books is still underway. I have exhausted all apparent possibilities. I am now just going to trust fate.
There has to be someone out there who has more than an idea as to what is actually available.
I am going to take a few photos tomorrow of April coming in. Then at the end of April I will take a few photos of April going out.
Next: 89. 4/1/22: Reconsidering Peripatetic Ways of Knowing |