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February 28, 2022: Coffee Understands

I got up well before 7 a.m. this morning because I was afraid that, otherwise, I might miss my interview time on Country Legends radio. In fact, I at one point dreamt that this happened. I think that in the future, I will avoid 7 a.m. meetings.

The interview was divided into two parts – in the first, I was asked questions about what I do, and where I live, and why I like living in the Mat-Su Valley. I botched the final question – I should have said that because it’s such a wonderful community. Instead, I focused on the fact that for the most part, where I live is so quiet.

In the second part I was asked the usual questions about the book project. I by this time was a bit more awake, and so I did a better job.

What most pleased me was that Cathy, the interviewer, said that the Bright Lights Book Project, “is a new non-profit in the Mat-Su Valley.” I immediately got to thinking that, yes, the 501(c)3 now makes us bona fide for we too are now a part of the nonprofit community.

After the interview, I went back to bed, but of course I could not sleep. It was 8 a.m. and the sun was up, so I got up and did the morning animal chores.

I then came in and made a whole slew of calls. One was to Georgina DePriest who owns the Yoga Studio on Chugach Street. I’d spoken with her in January about acquiring this building and was told no. But I had this gut feeling that I should call again. I think that the word has gotten out about the project because after saying a few good things about it, she said that it might be possible to come up with a plan. So tomorrow, early, she’s going to call us.

The noon BLBP board meeting went quite well. Milena, who is the president, kept things moving along, and yet everyone present was given a chance to speak. It’s a good board, one in which everyone seems to like and respect everyone else.

After, I went to town and sorted and categorized the books that came into the Meeting House on Saturday. There were a lot of kids’ books, which is going to go over well with the local Head Start teachers. I now also have a lot of paperbacks on hand. They’ll be picked up on Saturday by the Fairbanks Corrections Facility Education Director.

Right now, I am at a bit of an impasse because I don’t have any volunteers giving me any kind of an assist. One is involved in acting in and putting together a local play, another is in Hawaii, and still another sent me an email message saying that she can’t help out tomorrow because she’s in Wasilla.

The latter’s message made me wonder if Wasilla is like the Bermuda Triangle, or like the roach motel – as in you can check in but you can’t check out.

My imagination remains my saving grace.

Next: 59. 2/1/22: The State of the Farm Address

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