The snow berms were high, and the road narrow, but I made it to the Glenn Highway okay.
I got the Spanish books from the U-Haul storage locker and stopped in at the Senior Center to discovered they are again serving lunch. I located the library cart, and in a few days, I’ll again pedal my wares.
I got the key from Dana, so we have storage space at Trinity Lutheran.
I took the kid’s Bible books to Palmer Connect, then went to the Meeting House. Sarah was there. She was bemoaning the fact that the plumbers told her the work was nearly done, but it is not.
This is the story I want to tell. A woman stopped by to say hello to her. She parked her car in the icy driveway next to the Meeting House. After a bit, a woman came and got the Spanish books. As she was getting ready to leave, the woman visiting Sarah got in her car and floored the gas. The rear wheels spun. She came inside and got some kitty litter and put it under the rear wheels. It was no go.
She seemed to think that kitty litter and a good push would do the trick.
I knew better. She began going around and knocking on doors, hoping she’d find someone who’d give her the illusive push. I knew that what she needed was someone with a truck and a tow strap. I told her this, but she didn’t hear me. I considered giving her a pull with DGNPNY, but didn’t think that DGNPNY had the guts.
There was nothing I could do. It was getting late. Driving is the dark is a dangerous proposition for me, so I left. I just got in my car and left.
I would not ordinarily do this. But I was tired and had animals at home to feed.
I suspect that she finally found someone with a truck and a tow line.
I’m going to blame my lack of follow through on this being a long winter.
This is my story and I’m sticking to it.
Next: 54. 2/24/22: Fearless |