So, as of tonight, Ranger is still with us. I think we’re okay, just so long as the temperature doesn’t drop into the single digits.
It was, as expected, a very hectic day. Went to drop off books at the Palmer Senior Center and discovered that it was closed. Went to the Meeting House and discovered that it was open. I know how to finesse the lock.
I immediately resumed getting books ready for the so-called “event.” I had the kids’ and young adult books on one side of the table and the pulp fiction, hard covered fiction, and nonfiction on the other. I pulled the Alaskana books off the shelves and put them on the pulp fiction, hard covered fiction, nonfiction table. Pete started looking up the various Alaskana books, checking to see if they are on the shelves at the Mat-Su Library. He will turn the books that are not, over to Craig, the college librarian.
Build it and they will come – most of those I invited showed up and took books. I estimate that we parted company with four boxes of books. We distribute more books than we pass out at events. However, the public relations value of these sorts of gatherings is well worth the time and trouble involved in setting up and then putting away books.
My friend Timothy came – we talked about giving books to people and decided that those who are good at this know their audience. Timothy picked out sheet music type books for his friend who is an organist at a local church. What most frustrates me is that because books are in bins, I’m not always able to find what it is people request.
Someday this will change. I’ll have a larger space to work in and be more organized. Someday.
Next: 339. 12/10/22: One Foot in front of the Other |