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December 4, 2022: A Day off, sort of

Right now, I am very concerned about Ranger. He had to be given an assist getting up this morning, and I feared the worst. Pete and I got him up and I fed him his supplements, which include water and salt and vitamin E. I gave him these supplements three times today. The second and third time he was able to get up.

His having such a good appetite bodes well for him. I’d like to see him get his strength up and rally.

Pete suggested that we go for a ride this morning, so early, meaning 11:00 a.m., we took Tyra and Hrimmi out. There’s been some traffic on our trails, and the Christmas tree cutters are out in force. It may snow in the next few days, and this will cover their tracks. Hopefully the route they selected, with its multiple dead ends, will be of little interest in their future trail related endeavors.


The sun shone brightly. It was about 10˚F out, not too cold. Raudi is still enclosure bound, but in good health and in amazingly good spirits.

I spent the afternoon sending out emails about the upcoming Bright Lights Book Project open house. I didn’t expect to be doing this, but no sense wasting my time, hoping for books to go if no one shows.

This evening Pete and I went to town for a poetry reading at 203 Kombucha, a local brewery type place. I wasn’t wanting to go. I just wanted to stay home and read and write. I also didn’t want to be driving at night. Pete said he’d go, and so off we went.

I thought that it would be a long evening of my having to listen to self-professed poets read not-so-good work. I in fact braced myself for this. No one was there when we got there. A woman in her late twenties early thirties, the organizer, showed up, as did Lloyd, a poet who I’d met at the Palmer Senior Center. Then two other people showed up, a fellow named Jerome and another woman whose name I’ve forgotten.

Two of the youngers were attorneys. The organizer, Lindsey, will soon take her bar exams. All are intelligent, creative, amazing people. If I’m not mistaken, they are all public defenders. This means that they take on cases of those who are destitute and can’t afford lawyers. This is so impressive.

Lloyd is also intelligent, creative, and amazing, just older. Lloyd and Lindsey read their own work, which was quite good – the rest of us read from other’s work. We sat at a table and did not use the microphone. Maybe the next time.

Pete talked about his chainsaw book. I hope that the interest generated by others will prompt him to resume working on it. The book project has taken up far too much of his time.

And yes, there is going to be another time. We all agreed to get together again, on January 8th. The best part of this for me is that having an audience will motivate me to resume writing.

I need more days like this one. Another full week ahead.

Next: 334. 12/5/22: Ranger’s Rally

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