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January 30, 2022: Out we Go

The weather has been lousy this winter, so much so that I have not gotten the horses out all that much. Today was an exceptional day weather-wise, and so I did get all of them out. And now the sun’s setting around 5:30 p.m. with a daylight gain of 5 minutes a day, so there is now enough daylight for me to get all the horses out, providing that I’m out the door by noon, which I was today.

I first walked Tinni around the loop. He moved at a good clip, stopping every so often and waiting for me to give him a treat. Most of the time I did do this. I figure that in this way, I’m making his retirement memorable.

Raudi on the trail

I next got Hrimfara out. I took her up Jim’s Road and out on the snowmobile trails. She moved right along, and like Tinni, she was very agreeable. We walked to the creek before Grizzly Camp, then turned around and headed home, me deciding to take Pete’s Cross-Country trail rather than head home on Siggi’s trail, which is extremely rutted, this because I’ve walked on it so often with the horses.

I next took Tyra out – I lengthened her walk by first taking her around the loop. I let her go on the Jim’s Road diagonal trail. She moved out nicely, returning, of course, as had Hrimmi, to get treats.

We turned onto Pete’s Cross Country trail and did continue on the Grizzly Camp Loop. I walked her farther than I did Hrimmi, which is to the Corridor Trail, which leads to Murphy Road.

Lastly, I got Raudi out. It was then close to 5 p.m. The sun was by now low in the sky, and the distant peaks of both the Chugach Range and Talkeetnas were pinkish orange in color.

It was another good walk. Raudi was a little bargey, but she did not once attempt to break free of my grip and run home. There was a time in the past when she would have done this.

I was chilled by the end of my outings because the temperature did drop. However, I was also very pleased with how well the horses did. They were agreeable, and stuck close. And they all seemed strong and ready for spring training. It seems like the spring we thought would never come is now right around the corner.

Next: 31. 1/31/22: Little Amazon Rides Again

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