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September 24, 2022: Up and Down

I erred; tomorrow is the last day of hunting season. Just received a video from my friend Becky, documenting some of the madness in her neck of the woods, which is at 17 mile lake. I wanted to ride again today, but I decided not to tempt fate. Monday, I will be out there.

Instead, I played it safe and went to the Emergency Preparedness Fair, way on the other side of town. Of course, it did not rain. Of course, I was in a building until late afternoon – grrr, grr, grr. And I could not say how I felt about this because of course, I was not around horse people. I suspect that they were all outside today.

Grr, grr, grrr.

Bill sorting at VCRS

I had (if I do say so myself) done an excellent job of selecting books and categorizing them and getting them into bins. This made unloading and setting up fast and easy. Pete and my friend (and BLBP board member) Robert Wallace gave me an assist, so I did not have to work alone. He was amazing in that he stayed the entire time and was total engaged. He interacted with people and did a good job of judging what books they’d like to take with them.

Build it and they will come. Last night we watched the video – I thought I had in the past, but I didn’t recall seeing it. This video is an apt metaphor for the book project in that it speaks to all who have a vision. And as illogical as the vision may seem, those who are possessed by it can’t, even in the face of adversity, let go of it.

There is also a wonderful scene in which Ray Kinsella’s wife, Karen, goes to a school board meeting and takes on a woman who is intent on having a certain book banned. As it turns out, the writer becomes a central character in the movie.

I enjoyed this movie, of course, because it spoke to me. I might not have, if I wasn’t being pushed along by the winds of my own vision.

So many people took books home with them – good books, adult, disaster, young adult, and children’s books. The books were easily accessible, and of course, clean and lacking stickers. Again, Robert was a huge help – he is adept at engaging people and getting them to talk. And he, unlike me, can talk guy talk about things like home building.

One woman said that she routinely travels to Belize, and she will gladly take black history (adult and children) books with her the next time she goes down there. This will be in November.

Lots of kids selected books. Watching one little boy, it occurred to me that even the process of selecting a book if you are a child is significant cognitively. You make a decision, and then get to own that decision. I should mention this to parents.

Came home with seven empty bins, so yes, it was all n all a good day.

Next: 263. 9/25/22: On Sunny Sunday

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