This morning I went to Sutton and arranged to have the newspaper box at the General Store moved (by Pete) to the Ak State Fairgrounds. I also checked the bookcase at the Alaska Native Health Center – it needs signage and more books. And I stocked the Sutton Post Office Kiosk.
I wished for books, and I got books. This morning a teacher from Cottonwood Creek Elementary school dropped off 20 or so boxes of kids/young adult books. She was tall, lanky, twentyish, in a hurry, just set those books on the church tables and then took off.
I then cleaned the kids’ room, making more room for the cleaned kids’ books. As I was finishing up, Pete appeared with 30-or-so more boxes of assorted books. He is of medium height, fiftyish, balding. He set the recycling center books on the remaining church tables and then took off.
So there I was, literally surrounded by books. I did what I do so well, sorting and categorizing books. I focused on the books that Pete dropped off – putting boxes on shelves and in bins. I also put the books for the distributors on the shelves.
This took me five hours. I did not distribute books because by the time I finished, it was 6:30 p.m. I put the books for the Senior Center in DGNPNY II, and the books for distribution tomorrow in the center of the main room. I had already put the kids’ books to be cleaned on the long table in the dining room.
So, I’m all set for tomorrow. It’s going to be a long day because I’ll doing all the Palmer distribution routes. Bill is busy right now doing his state fair construction thing. It is odd, how money motivates people – if we had the money to pay him more than the fair vendors he is working for are paying him, he’d be assisting more with the project. I don’t begrudge him this – he very much enjoys doing the fair work.
This year the theme is, “Experience the Wonder.” I wish we’d gotten a poster with an image of a child reading a book.
Everyone likes the project. This keeps me energized. And this morning I did have time to take Raudi on a short outing. More mornings like this morning and I’ll be just fine.
Next: 223. 8/16/22: @#$%^&*+ |