I stood in that long line (later Pete told me that I could have checked out much faster if I’d gone over to the liquor store) and picked up a tabloid and read all about Bruce Springsteen. Handsome guy from the get-go; he made a lot of money starting at a young age, ended up with a lot of followers. Music so-so. There I summarized my impression of the man, based mainly upon photos with once in a while forays into the world of print.
Thought I was in the fast lane. Turned out that I was in the slow lane. What a waste of time.
I took the bubbles to the Palmer Senior Center – it is a truism: go to do something fun and innovative, and bean counter will pop up and give you what is in their mind a good reason not to do it. I was told by this pseudo administrator that the bubbles would make the floor slippery. Oh well. I did dole out the goods, and tried to imagine everyone, on their own, blowing bubbles. But what fun is that?
I ate lunch with friends and then went back to the Meeting House and put paperback books in the bins that other books came in some time ago. The fellow from the Goose Creek Correctional Center will come and get them on Saturday morning. I am going to have to find the time in which to dig more paperbacks for him out of the U-Haul storage unit.
This will be a challenge because I don’t have the time to do this before Saturday.
Milena showed up as I was finishing up. She’d had lunch with Bea, and the pair did some administrativa. She and I hammered out next Wednesday’s Bright Light Book Project board meeting agenda. And hammered out we did.
Oh oh. I just realized that I forgot to shut the dining hall window at the meeting house. I did lock the door. Well, one out of two isn’t bad at all.
So, yeah, what gives? Why all this heat? I am told it could be worse. Fingers crossed that we’ll be spared having to deal with a fire in our area.
Next: 178. 7/1/22: Another Day in the Life |