I might interview U-Haul workers about what they are seeing. I’d have to have some very specific questions of course.
I might also write about abundance in relation to VCRS, focusing on the cardboard situation. They get a lot of cardboard going through there, often sturdy, still useable boxes. They can’t salvage them all. And that’s the point. Better to recycle them.
Same with books, of course. Today, Pete and Bill went through a pallet or two of boxes that were left at VCRS by the Mat-Su School District Warehouse. The majority of the stock was textbooks. The textbooks come here from out of state, and then they are distributed to schools. The teachers return them to the warehouse for various reasons – the warehouse then has to dispose of them.
It's a good idea, their taking the textbooks to VCRS because otherwise they’d end up in the local landfill. This way, the books are instead recycled.
We stopped by the landfill last week and were told to take our plastic and wood items to what is called the C and D cell. C stands for construction and D stands for demolition. We saw some guys driving a U-Haul toss perfectly good plywood into the cell area. It was full of useful stuff, which no one is allowed to take.
The book supply now seems to be never ending. They come to us in waves. And we are now adept at finding places for them. I thought a few weeks back that I’d be out of space by now, but no – after a very long day of consolidating books, I had enough space left in both the U-Haul and the Meeting House for another 2-3 weeks’ worth of boxes.
Abundance – Jim’s place – the adage there holds true – you can’t take it with you. His sisters had to deal. Others came to get his stuff. An online auction is being held. So Jim’s stash is becoming a part of someone else’s stash.
By definition, a weed is an unwanted flower. And garbage is unwanted stuff.
Abundance – I need to get going on this project.
173. 6/26/22: Hrimmi’s Blog |