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May 14, 2022: Sassy’s Big Day
Alys: Sassy, you had a really amazing day, didn’t you?
Sassy: I did. I really did.
A: Well, tell me, what was so amazing about it.
S: I did what I was born and bred to do.
A: What was that?
S: I taught many, many people that goat means GREATEST OF ALL TIME.
A: Where did you learn this?
S: Tyra.
A: Oh. So give us a few more details.
S: Okay. I attended the Reading Rendezvous with you.
A: And what is the Reading Rendezvous?
S: It is a yearly gathering at the Anchorage library. There are many, many booths with people promoting literacy and doing fun things with kids. It takes place in the spring.
A: I took you for a walk as everyone was setting up, right?
S: Yes, you did. The reading rendezvous volunteers, they all really liked me.
A: And then?
S: And then all these people appeared, mothers, fathers, kids – there were hundreds of them, and most of them wanted to pet me. |
A: And did you let them?
S: Yes. It really helped that you told them to pet me on the neck or the back. You were right, I don’t like hands all over my face.
A: And?
S: I was wearing my new goat coat. It came in the mail yesterday.
A: And?
S: My coat had pictures of library books on it. Everyone really liked this. I must admit, I did turn some heads.
A: Were you worried about anything?
S: Dogs. It was so strange – this guy wanted to introduce his dog to me. I was really glad that you told him no. You just don’t know about strange dogs.
A: And what did I tell people about your being there?
S: I told them that you said that I’m the Bright Lights Book Project mascot, and all about our project.
A: Our project?
S: Yes, our project. I’m a part of this effort too.
A: Yes you are.
S: And then the kids and their parents – they went to the table under the shelter, and they selected books.
A: Why was this important?
S: Because books contain all kinds of information about goats.
A: And why is it important that kids learn about goats?
S: So that they treat us kindly and with respect.
A: Yes. And if they ever own goats, to feed and water them every day.
S: And give them lots of treats.
A: And what did I have you do when you got tired?
S: Go into my crate and hang out.
A: Did you mind doing this?
S: Not at all. There were so many people petting me, after a bit I got really tired.
A: Would you like to do this again next year?
S: I don’t know. I think that I’d like to do what I overheard you talking about, that is go to some smaller events.
A: Like the Palmer Colony Days parade?
S: Yes, absolutely.
Next: 133. 5/15/22: Pain: Crossing the Threshold |